Entries by Katie

Growth & Graces: The Year in Review

I got Covid a few days before Christmas which has meant that this week has been about resting rather than doing, and the slowness has actually been so sweet. We snuck up to our camp in Maine so the well members of our family could ski after being stuck in quarantine (I was the only […]

Wide Awake

The chill in the air. That’s what started it all, this current moment of peace, of calm, of happiness. It is like the heat of all the things that caused pain has given way to a cool breeze, light on my skin, waking up something in me like childhood. In this moment the deliciousness of […]


Last night I headed over to a neighbor’s house late, almost 9 o’clock, to join a few ladies in the pool with a glass of wine. As I walked up the driveway I listened to the chorus of tree frogs all around me, and watched the moon float out from behind clouds, and I took […]

Imago Dei: The Path to Peace

One day last winter when I was skiing with my family, we were sitting outside on a deck eating lunch. I started people watching, and as I looked around at everyone eating and talking, I started to imagine how God saw them. All of a sudden, I could feel His immense love for them. The […]

Great Summer Reads

With three year old twins I barely have time to do anything, but reading is self-care to me. I managed to sneak in a few books that I really liked and would be great for lakeside/poolside/backyard kiddie poolside reading. These are just the books I really enjoyed. I started so many books that I just […]

What I Learned This Lent

This Lent I had big plans. Big plans. I was going to stare down those things that held me back from being who God made me to be. I was going to conquer those habits, those sins, those pesky human weaknesses once and for all.  And once again, I am reminded that I don’t conquer […]

Yes, I Have Six Kids

The other day I had my 36,429th conversation with someone that went like this: “Wow, you have six kids? That’s a lot of kids.”  “Yep. It is.” “Wow, it must be so hard.”  “Well, sure it’s hard. But they’re worth it.”  Then I point to my license plate that says ‘Think Big’. I have plenty of friends that have […]

Memento Mori: One Year Later

I wrote my eulogy when I was 22.  It was part of a course I took for my job in investments, to help develop personal growth and time management. It was an exercise that was meant to focus you on your deepest longings, goals and desires.  When I wrote my hypothetical eulogy, my dad had […]

7QT: The Happiness Edition

It’s winter, it’s Lent, it’s a Pandemic (still) and I am…surprisingly happy. Here are 7 Quick Takes on the things that are making me happy right now: 1. Intermittent Fasting: I love love Intermittent Fasting. I recently listened to this book and it cemented it as a way of life for me. She only eats […]

Their Eyes Were Watching Screens

If you have been to college, you have probably studied Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. But in case you haven’t or your memories of your Philosophy 101 class are fuzzy, here is a recap: The Allegory is Socrates’ depiction of the effects of education on a soul. Picture a cave where people are chained to […]